WPBA Explains Dismissal


In a follow-up to a Feb. 8 press release from Trifecta Management, Women’s Professional Billiard Association President Jan McWorter released an additional unsigned statement commenting on the dismissal of Board Member Dr. Diana Sorrentino. The statement cited “numerous major findings by the Board of impropriety in communications with WPBA sponsors and business partners, the pool industry, the billiards press, and numerous others with whom the WPBA interacts,” and “Dr. Sorrentino’s frequent violation of WPBA protocols for communication, and unwillingness to reform even after reprimand by the President of the organization,” as the substantial reasons for Dr. Sorrentino’s dismissal. The statement further stated, “the evidence of Dr. Sorrentino’s impropriety is, almost entirely, hard documentary evidence.”

Sorrentino had no comment on the dismissal, nor the controversy surrounding it.

In response to speculation within the billiards community that Sorrentino’s dismissal was a result of statements made on the Billiards Digest Cue Chalk Board discussion forum, the statement distributed by McWorter emphasized that “the WPBA does not object, in principle, to Dr. Sorrentino’s use of the Billiards Digest online forum,” and “the WPBA recognizes that the online forum participants are among the most enthusiastic and most knowledgeable members of the pool community, and we understand and appreciate that they tend to give pool a good name.”

The WPBA will not release any of the documentary evidence, according to the statement, out of respect for Sorrentino.

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